I’m lyana!

Welcome to the Healthy Mood SF Blog! No matter if you’ve been a long time follower of my journey as Healthy Mood SF or have just stumbled upon my page - I am so happy you made it! I’m Lyana Begret See - foodie turned full time content creator, recipe developer, wife to my best friend Brandon and mama of 2 beautiful girls Aysha (11) and Safiya (9)!

Let’s take it back to how this all started, shall we? I moved to San Francisco 17 years ago and am so happy to have found a new home in the states!

I started an Instagram account called @healthymoodsf on March 10th, 2016. It was a time before Stories, Highlights or ‘Swipe Ups’ - crazy, right? (lol) After having kids, I began a regular exercise routine and started eating healthy for my overall happiness and to be a better mom for my children. I made it a goal to be a role model for my girls to show how to live a happy life free of unhealthy eating habits and body image insecurities.

I fell in love with documenting and taking pictures of the food creations I was making and finally started sharing them on my Instagram, hoping that my ideas and easy recipes would inspire someone else to find the joy in eating and living a healthy lifestyle just as I had.

Fast forward to present day and I could not have dreamed up what this passion of mine has turned into. I’ve worked with some of my favorite brands in the Health & Wellness space, made long time friends (both in person & virtually!) and have been able to grow within a community that inspires me everyday to do (& create) what I love.

It has been so fun to challenge myself to combine simple, nourishing ingredients into a collection of vibrant flavors that keep your tastebuds satisfied! I think it’s so important to realize that you have to enjoy a variety of flavors and really love the food you eat when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. My recipes always keep meal times fun and tasty without having to take shortcuts with takeout meals to mix things up. Pro Tip: Love the food you make!

On the Healthy Mood SF Instagram, Pinterest, and Blog you can expect to find exciting, new meals that give you the confidence in your ability to change your lifestyle, starting in the kitchen. I make recipes for all meals and treats in a day including some of my favorites like my GF Chocolate Chip & Walnut Banana Bread, Overnight Oats, Mediterranean Salads, Keto dinners, and the list goes on and on! One thing you can expect to NEVER see - a boring recipe! :)

When I’m not cooking or creating new meals in the kitchen, you can find me and my family hiking, traveling, and exercising to fill our weekends. We especially love trips to see my husbands family in SoCal and up in the Sierras! If I had to describe my lifestyle in a few words I would say busy, active, healthy, and… did I say busy!? Just like so many moms, I’m trying to balance my family, work, exercise, home, and so many crazy things life throws at us. I’ve learned that time passes by so quickly which is why I believe in spending it wisely and taking care of yourself and your loved ones physically and mentally with a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you hang around for everything to come on the Healthy Mood SF Blog!


P.S. If you’d like to know even more about my philosophy behind a living a healthy lifestyle, my favorite recipes, and more - head over to my FAQs Page!




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